Weekly Bulletin
President’s Report
Many thanks to all attended for a great ANZAC Tribute night. From all accounts most seemed to think it was a great night. Many thanks to Keiren Freeman and her team Helen Wade and Meredith Evans for all the organising and table settings etc. Many guests commented on how great it all looked. Thanks also to Hutch for his efforts with the sounds system etc. and to the Heads and Tails boys Hutch and Alan Naylor. I was most grateful to have a wonderful MC for the night, Kerry Medway from Port Macquarie Rotary who did a sterling job. Thanks to Tony Lanzafame for the loan of the ‘Jack Wilson’ Soldier. Phil Perry (PM Rotary) shared his news of the newly found World War II Merchant Navy ship called the Iron Crown just discovered after all these years.
We had two very dedicated speakers on the night and many thanks to “Murray” my brother, Major James Murray Gough for flying up from Canberra specially to attend our function. Stephen Smith from Wingham High School gave a very enlightening presentation from a youth point of view. From what I heard from guests they seemed very impressed with both speakers.
I think our club should be proud that we can have such a gathering of 105 guests in support of a very meaningful tribute those men and women who have served in our Defence Forces and those who are still serving in Defences Forces.